Introduction to Baby Sleep Regression

Hello, wonderful parents and caregivers! If you've been noticing a sudden shift in your little one's sleep patterns, you're not alone. In the world of parenthood, sleep regression is a common hurdle that many face, often leaving us wondering where those peacefully sleeping nights went. But fear not! Understanding what is sleep regression in babies can be the first step towards reclaiming those restful nights.

Sleep regression typically occurs when a baby who has been sleeping well suddenly starts waking up at night, has trouble falling asleep, or skips naps for no apparent reason. This phase can be challenging, both for your little MVP and for you. It's like your infant, once a champion sleeper, decides to start a little sleep strike, changing the game overnight.

Tailgate Tikes Bamboo One-Piece Sleepers

Now, you may ask, "What causes this?" Well, sleep regression can happen for a variety of reasons, including growth spurts, teething, developmental leaps, and changes in routine. It usually occurs around specific ages: the 4-month, 8-month, and 18-month marks are notorious for being key times when sleep patterns shift.

But here's the kicker—while it may feel like you're back at square one, this phase is temporary. Yes, you heard that right! With some understanding, patience, and a few strategic moves, you can help your baby (and yourself) get through this phase triumphantly.

And just as your tailgater-in-training needs the right gear for game day, they need the right environment for sleep, too. Think of it as setting them up in cozy, premium, sports-inspired sleepwear from Tailgate Tikes. Our high-quality bamboo fabric is not only soft and comfortable but also ensures your little one stays comfy, giving you one less thing to worry about during these sleepless nights.

With a supportive and enthusiastic approach, we can tackle baby sleep regression head-on, ensuring both you and your baby emerge victorious. After all, just like in sports, teamwork, understanding, and a good game plan can make all the difference. Let's dive deeper and explore some effective solutions to help your little star player get back to their champion sleep routine!

Ready to Keep Your Little MVP Cozy Through Every Season?

Sleep regression in babies can be a challenging phase, but with love, patience, and the right gear, you can help your child rest comfortably through the night. At Tailgate Tikes, we're here to support you through every part of your parenting journey—including those sleepless nights and joy-filled game days. Here's how we can help:

  •         Dress Them in Comfort: Our high-quality bamboo fabric ensures your little one stays comfortable, no matter what sleep regression throws your way. Soft, breathable, and gentle on sensitive skin, our onesies, pajamas, and two-piece sets are perfect for a good night’s sleep.
  •         Show Your Team Spirit: Bring a bit of joy and enthusiasm into bedtime routines with our officially licensed collegiate and team gear. Whether it’s game day or just another Thursday night, your little one can show their team spirit while staying cozy.
  •         Support a Cause: With every purchase, you're not just ensuring your child stays snug and stylish; you're also supporting charities and organizations that make a difference. It’s a win-win!

Don't let sleep regression dampen the excitement of watching your favorite team or enjoying those precious moments at home. Keep your little MVP comfortable and stylish, and remember, this phase will pass. Visit us at Tailgate Tikes today and discover the perfect combination of comfort and team spirit for your little fan!

The Basics of Sleep Regression in Infants

If you're navigating the world of parenting or caregiving, you might have encountered the term "sleep regression." It sounds technical, but it's a phase many infants go through, and understanding it can help you support your little champion through their sleep hurdles. Here's what you need to know about sleep regression in babies – and remember, just like in sports, sometimes it's all about playing the long game and waiting for that win.

What Is Sleep Regression in Babies?

Sleep regression is a period when a baby who has been sleeping well suddenly starts waking up at night, has difficulty falling asleep, or shortens their naps for no apparent reason. It's akin to a curveball in the middle of a winning streak, disrupting the peace and predictability of your family routine. But fear not! Just like any seasoned coach knows, understanding the game plan can help you navigate these tricky innings.

When Does It Happen?

Sleep regression can occur at several points during your baby's first year and beyond, often aligning with significant developmental milestones. The most common ages for sleep regression are around 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months. Think of these as your baby's training seasons, where they're leveling up their skills - whether it's mastering rolling over, learning to crawl, or taking those first few steps. Each milestone can stir up their sleep patterns, but it's all part of their growth and development journey.

Why Does It Happen?

Several factors contribute to sleep regression, including developmental leaps, growth spurts, and changes in sleep patterns. As babies grow, their sleep needs evolve, which can cause temporary disruptions. It's like when a player has to adjust their technique or strategy as they face new challenges on the field. These disruptions are entirely normal and a sign that your baby is progressing just as they should.

How Can You Support Your Baby?

Though sleep regression can be exhausting for both babies and their families, there are several strategies to help everyone get through this phase:

  •         Maintain a consistent bedtime routine: Just like a pre-game warm-up, a consistent bedtime routine can signal to your baby that it's time to wind down. Consider incorporating activities like a warm bath, a gentle massage with Tailgate Tikes' ultra-soft pajamas, and some soothing lullabies to set the mood.
  •         Offer comfort: Sometimes, your little MVP just needs some extra cuddles and reassurance. Physical comfort can be incredibly soothing for babies going through a sleep regression.
  •         Practice patience: Remember, this phase is temporary, and with time, your baby will return to their sleeping patterns. Think of it as a season in sports; there are ups and downs, but with patience and support, your team can weather any storm.
  •         Stay flexible: Be prepared to adjust your game plan as needed. If your baby needs a little more time to wind down or a different approach to napping, it's okay to switch things up. What matters is finding what works best for your baby during this time.

Understanding the basics of sleep regression in infants can make this phase less daunting. By recognizing the signs and knowing how to support your little one, you'll be well-equipped to handle this challenge like the MVP parent or caregiver you are. Keep in mind that every baby is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. The key is to stay adaptable, patient, and supportive, just like any great team player.

Identifying the Signs of Sleep Regression

As you navigate the joys and challenges of parenting, sleep regression can be a confusing stage. Knowing how to identify the signs will help you tackle it head-on, ensuring both you and your little MVP can find peace and restfulness once again. Remember, every baby is unique, and the way sleep regression manifests can vary. Here are some common signs that your baby might be experiencing sleep regression:

  •         Increased Wakefulness: If your baby, who was previously sleeping soundly through the night, suddenly starts waking up frequently, it could be a sign of sleep regression. It's as if their internal sleep clock has hit a snag, and they can't seem to stay asleep for long stretches.
  •         Trouble Falling Asleep: Those cozy bedtime routines might suddenly not be as effective. You might find your baby fussing or resisting sleep, which can be attributed to the developmental leaps they are experiencing.
  •         Shorter Naps or Skipping Naps: Just when you thought you had the perfect nap schedule figured out, sleep regression can throw it out the window. You might notice your baby taking much shorter naps than usual or skipping them altogether.
  •         Increased Fussiness or Crankiness: With disrupted sleep comes mood changes. An overtired baby is likely to be more irritable, making those awake hours less pleasant for both of you.
  •         Changes in Appetite: Some parents report changes in feeding patterns during sleep regression phases. This could mean more frequent feedings due to wakefulness or disinterest at usual feeding times.

It's important to approach these changes with patience and understanding. While sleep regression can be a challenging time, it's temporary and a normal part of your baby's development. As your little one learns to navigate their new skills and sensations, their sleep patterns will eventually settle down. In the meantime, ensuring your baby is as comfortable and cozy as possible can help. Tailgate Tikes' line of soft, soothing pajamas made from high-quality bamboo fabric can be just the thing to help your baby feel secure and snug, making bedtime a little easier on everyone. After all, a comfortable baby is more likely to sleep better, and with Tailgate Tikes, you can make sure your champion is dressed for the dream team every night!

Common Ages for Baby Sleep Regression

Sleep regression in babies is a period when a baby who has been sleeping well suddenly has trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. As perplexing as it may seem, it's a normal phase of development that many infants go through. Parents and caregivers, you're not alone in this, and understanding when these regressions typically occur can help you navigate them with more ease and confidence.

The 4-Month Sleep Regression

The first major sleep regression tends to hit around 4 months of age and is considered one of the most significant changes in a baby's sleep patterns. This is largely due to changes in their sleep cycles, making their sleep more like that of an adult's, which means more light sleep and a higher chance of waking up. It's also a time of rapid growth and development, where babies become more aware of their surroundings.

The 8-Month (or 9/10-Month) Sleep Regression

Just when you think sleep patterns have started to stabilize, along comes the 8-month sleep regression - though it can also occur at 9 or 10 months. This regression is typically associated with developmental milestones, such as mastering crawling, pulling up to stand, or even starting to take those adorable first steps. Alongside these physical developments, separation anxiety can start to peak around this age, making bedtime a bit more challenging.

The 12-Month Sleep Regression

Around the 1-year mark, another sleep regression may occur, which can be linked to your little one's burgeoning independence. They’re learning to walk, talk, and assert their will, which can, unfortunately, translate into sleep disturbances. Their napping schedule might change during this time, too, which can affect nighttime sleep.

The 18-Month Sleep Regression

The 18-month sleep regression is often characterized by a newfound sense of autonomy and, with it, more sleep struggles. This is a time when many toddlers experience a burst in language development, and their brains are just too busy to settle down. They might have more intense separation anxiety and even begin experiencing nightmares.

The 2-Year Sleep Regression

This regression isn’t as common as the earlier ones, but it can still be a challenge for some families. The 2-year sleep regression might be related to nap transitions (like dropping the afternoon nap) or challenges associated with the terrible twos, including boundary testing and the struggle for independence.

Understanding these common ages can empower you to approach each sleep regression with a proactive plan. Remember, Tailgate Tikes is all about keeping your little MVP comfortable and stylish, day and night. So, as you navigate these sleep regressions, consider the importance of creating a cozy, comforting sleep environment with our soft, breathable bamboo fabric pajamas, designed to keep them comfortable through all the tosses and turns of the night.

Navigating sleep regressions is all part of the parenting journey. And with a little knowledge, a lot of patience, and the right comfort-boosting gear, you'll both get through it - one cozy night at a time.

Exploring the Causes of Sleep Regression

When it comes to understanding what is sleep regression in babies, identifying the root causes is a crucial step. Sleep regression can seem like an unexpected hurdle on your parenting journey, but it’s a common and natural phase that many families encounter. Here's a look at the common causes that might explain why your little MVP is suddenly resisting bedtime or waking up during the night more than usual.

Growth Spurts and Developmental Milestones

As babies grow, they experience numerous physical and cognitive growth spurts. These bursts of development can temporarily disrupt their sleep patterns. Whether it's mastering the art of rolling over, crawling, or taking their first steps, these milestones can be both exciting and a little unsettling for your baby, leading to more wakeful periods at night.

Teething Pain

Teeth can start to emerge anywhere from 4 months old and beyond, causing discomfort and sometimes pain for your little one. This discomfort can understandably lead to more wakeful nights as they seek comfort and relief.

Changes in Routine

Babies thrive on routine and consistency. Any changes, whether it’s traveling, moving to a new house, a change in the caregiver, or even a shift in the day-to-day schedule, can lead to sleep regression. These changes can upset their sense of security, making it harder for them to settle down to sleep.

Illness or Discomfort

Just like adults, if babies are feeling unwell or are uncomfortable, they're likely to have trouble sleeping. This could be due to a cold, an ear infection, or even allergies. Sometimes, the discomfort from a wet diaper or being too hot or cold can also disturb their sleep.


With so much to learn and explore, babies can sometimes become overstimulated. An overly busy day, interacting with a lot of people, or exposure to bright lights and loud sounds before bedtime can make it difficult for them to wind down and fall asleep.

Understanding these causes can provide some relief in knowing that sleep regression is a phase that many babies go through as part of their normal development. It signifies your child is growing and learning new things. While it can be a challenging time, remember that it’s temporary. In the following sections, we’ll delve into strategies and solutions to help you and your little one navigate this phase smoothly, ensuring they remain as comfortable and supported as possible, ready to tackle their next big milestone.

FAQs: Navigating the Waters of Baby Sleep Regression

As parents, witnessing our little champ's sleep pattern change can be puzzling. Worry not! We’ve got your back with some FAQs to help you tackle sleep regression like a pro.

Can you avoid baby sleep regression?

While it’s a developmental phase most babies go through, there are steps you can take to ease the transition. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a snug sleeping environment with comfy attire like our Tailgate Tikes cozy pajamas, and ensuring your baby is getting plenty of daytime activity can make a significant difference. However, it's not always possible to avoid sleep regression entirely, since it's a natural part of your baby's growth and development.

How long does sleep regression last?

Each baby’s journey is unique, but typically, sleep regression can last anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks. It may feel like a marathon, but remember, this phase is temporary. Your little one will return to their usual snoozing patterns soon. Till then, keep cheering on your tiny MVP and offering them as much comfort as you can.

What age do sleep regressions stop?

Good news, sports fans! Sleep regressions are not forever. They most commonly occur at around 4 months, 8 months, and 12 months of age, coinciding with significant developmental milestones. As your child grows older and their sleep patterns mature, these regressions will fade away, usually by the time they're two years old.

Is it OK to cry it out during sleep regression?

This is a personal choice and depends on your parenting style and your baby's needs. Some parents find success with gentle sleep training methods that may involve some tears, while others prefer to offer comfort right away. Listen to your gut and do what's best for your family. Remember, providing a comforting sleep environment, perhaps with the softness of our Tailgate Tikes bamboo fabric onesies, can make bedtime more inviting for your little one.

Is it a growth spurt or sleep regression?

It can be tricky to tell the difference since both can disrupt sleep! A growth spurt often involves increased hunger and more frequent feedings, while sleep regression is primarily marked by changes in sleep patterns. Observing your baby closely and noting other developmental milestones can help distinguish between the two. In either case, staying patient and offering your baby plenty of cuddles and comfort is key.

Remember, team, navigating baby sleep regression is a team sport, and we're here to support you through every play. Keep your little MVP comfortable and stylish with Tailgate Tikes, and soon, you'll all be back to sleeping through the night. Go team!

Tailgate Tikes Bamboo One-Piece Sleepers

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The information provided in these articles is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical concerns related to your child's health. Tailgate Tikes LLC is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any suggestions or information contained in these articles. The products and claims mentioned have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

We are committed to providing accurate and truthful information about our products. We do not make any environmental claims or representations regarding the eco-friendliness of our products unless explicitly stated and substantiated. Any statements about product benefits, including those related to material properties like bamboo, are based on our understanding and available information at the time of writing. We encourage customers to conduct their own research and due diligence.


Premium Bamboo ● Grows with them

Great for sensitive skin ● tagless and breathable


What makes bamboo clothing perfect for children?

Bamboo clothing is perfect for children due to its softness and smoothness, making it gentle on sensitive skin and reducing the risk of irritation and allergies. It is naturally hypoallergenic, highly breathable with excellent moisture-wicking properties, and helps regulate body temperature. Bamboo also contains natural antibacterial and antimicrobial agents, reducing bacteria and odors, and provides natural UV protection. Its durability ensures it withstands frequent washing and wear, making it a practical choice for active children.

What makes our Sports-Inspired Pajamas great?

Welcome to our Sports Inspired Bamboo Onesies and Pajamas Collection, where your little MVPs can show off their team spirit in style and comfort. Our collection features bamboo double zipper onesies and two-piece pajama sets, designed for infants through big kids. Crafted from soft, hypoallergenic bamboo, our onesies and pajamas ensure ultimate comfort and are perfect for sensitive skin. Available in sizes from 2 to 24 months for onesies and toddler to big kid sizes for pajamas, these pieces grow with your child, providing long-lasting value.

Our onesies and pajamas are made from thermo-regulating, moisture-wicking, and breathable fabric, keeping your child cozy in any weather. The durable, stretchable material ensures a perfect fit, while the convenient double zipper design of the onesies makes diaper changes and dressing quick and easy. Each piece in our collection features stylish and fun sports-themed designs, including golf, baseball, hockey, basketball, racing, football, soccer, and tennis prints. All items are OEKO-TEX certified, ensuring they are free from harmful chemicals.

Choose our sports-inspired kids apparel for safe, comfortable, and spirited sleepwear. Shop our collection of sports-themed bamboo onesies and pajamas today and enjoy free shipping and excellent customer service!

Should I choose a pajama set or a zippered onesie?

Choosing between a pajama set and a zippered onesie for your baby or toddler depends on ease of use, comfort, mobility, temperature regulation, and growth flexibility. Zippered onesies offer quick diaper changes and keep babies snug and covered throughout the night, making them ideal for cooler climates. Pajama sets provide greater freedom of movement for active toddlers and can be better for warmer environments with mix-and-match layering options. While onesies ensure complete coverage, pajama sets offer sizing flexibility. Both options have their benefits, so consider your child's needs and preferences.

How should I care for the bamboo clothing to maintain its quality?

To maintain the quality of bamboo clothing, wash it in cold or warm water on a gentle cycle using mild, eco-friendly detergents without bleach or fabric softeners. Air dry the clothing whenever possible, or use a low heat setting if using a dryer. Avoid excessive heat when ironing, and if needed, use a low setting with a cloth between the iron and the fabric. Handle the clothing gently to prevent stretching, and pre-treat stains with mild detergent or water and white vinegar. Following these guidelines will keep your bamboo clothing soft, durable, and comfortable.

What if I ordered the wrong size?

If you ordered the wrong size at Tailgate Tikes, we offer free returns and exchanges to ensure you get the perfect fit. Please review our size chart before ordering, and feel free to contact us if you need assistance in choosing the right size. We're here to help make sure your little one is comfortable and stylish in our clothing.

Are your products officially licensed?

Yes! Every licensed sale we make generates a royalty payment to the respective university to support their student athletes. Tailgate Tikes Collegiate Collection items proudly bear the Officially Licensed Collegiate Products hologram label, signifying their official licensing. We’re authorized by the universities and teams we represent to utilize their logos, namesakes, and trademarks.

What makes our Collegiate Collection great?

Welcome to our Collegiate Collection, where your little ones can show their team pride in style and comfort. Our collection features bamboo double zipper onesies and two-piece pajama sets, designed for infants through big kids, showcasing your favorite collegiate teams. Crafted from soft, hypoallergenic bamboo, our onesies and pajama sets ensure ultimate comfort and are perfect for sensitive skin. Available in sizes from 2 to 24 months for onesies and toddler to big kid sizes for pajamas, these pieces are designed to grow with your child, providing long-lasting value.

Our collegiate onesies and pajamas are made from thermo-regulating, moisture-wicking, and breathable fabric, keeping your child cozy in any weather. The durable, stretchable material ensures a perfect fit, while the convenient double zipper design of the onesies makes diaper changes and dressing quick and easy. Each piece in our collection features stylish and fun designs representing your favorite teams, including the Indiana Hoosiers, Ohio State Buckeyes, Penn State Nittany Lions, Maryland Terrapins, Iowa State Cyclones, Wisconsin Badgers, and UTSA Roadrunners. All items are OEKO-TEX certified, ensuring they are free from harmful chemicals.

Choose our collegiate bamboo onesies and pajama sets for safe, comfortable, and spirited sleepwear and playwear. Every licensed sale we make generates a royalty payment to the respective university to support their student athletes. Shop our Collegiate Collection today and enjoy free shipping and excellent customer service!

Tailgate Tikes Story

Tailgate Tikes was founded in 2023. Our story is rooted in a passion for sports and a deep love for the tradition of college football games and tailgating. Founded by Shannon (Go Hawkeyes!) and Bill (Go Hoosiers!proud parents of Toddler Twins, our brand reflects the cherished memories of our own childhoods spent immersed in the excitement of game day.

As lifelong fans and tailgate enthusiasts, we understand the unique thrill of cheering on your favorite team and savoring the camaraderie of fellow fans. Those unforgettable moments from our youth ignited a spark, inspiring us to create a destination where like minded fans can find the perfect clothing options to celebrate their team pride with style.

Our commitment to providing fun and fashionable clothing for young fans stems from our own experiences and the values we hold dear: team spirit, family, and the joy of creating lasting memories together. With Tailgate Tikes, we invite you to relive the magic of game day and outfit your little MVPs in gear that embodies the spirit of the sports we hold dear. We are a Women-Owned business with products designed in the USA and shipped from our facility in San Antonio, Texas. 

Lastly, being in business is not just about making money, we actively support youth sports programs and children’s charities and organizations, empowering young athletes and promoting an active lifestyle. Join our community of sports-loving parents and experience the Tailgate Tikes difference. Let's celebrate the joy of raising little fans together. Connect with us today!

Return and Refund Policy

Tailgate Tikes Return and Refund Policy

We want you to love your Tailgate Tikes purchase, but if you’re not completely satisfied, we’re here to help!

Return Policy

You have 30 days from the date you receive your item to request a return or exchange. To be eligible for a return, your item must meet the following criteria:

  • Unworn or unused.
  • In its original packaging.
  • With tags still attached.
  • Accompanied by a receipt or proof of purchase.

To start a return or exchange, visit our Start a Return or Exchange page. Please note, items returned without a return request will not be accepted.

For any questions regarding your return, feel free to reach out to us through our Contact Us page.

Damages and Issues

Please inspect your order upon delivery. If you receive a damaged, defective, or incorrect item, contact us immediately via our Contact Us page so we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Non-Returnable Items

We do not accept returns on:

  • Sale items or gift cards.

If you have any concerns about whether your item is returnable, please reach out via our Contact Us page.


If you need a different size or style, the quickest way is to place a new order after initiating your return through our Start a Return or Exchange page. Once your return is processed and approved, we’ll issue a refund to your original payment method.

European Union 14-Day Cooling-Off Period

For orders shipped to the European Union, you have the right to cancel or return your order within 14 days for any reason. Items must still be in their original condition (unworn, unused, with tags, and in original packaging). A receipt or proof of purchase is required.


Once we’ve received and inspected your return, we’ll notify you of the approval status. Approved refunds will be processed within 2 business days to your original payment method. Please allow extra time for your bank or credit card company to post the refund.

If you haven’t received your refund after 5 business days, please contact us via our Contact Us page.